All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .


89 documents.

Meals purchased by RMOs

  • Number of hot meals purchased by RMOs. Cost of production of 'hot meals'.


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Tāngata Ora Our People Survey

Tāngata Ora | Our People Survey - Can you provide a breakdown of the survey by department?


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Assaults on staff, details about units where staff were assaulted 2020-22

Follow up to response 10895 - re assaults by patients on staff.

  • Can you please provide the actual numbers for each unit?
  • Can you provide the same data for the previous year?


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Staff who are working and knowingly have Covid-19

The number of front line medical staff including nurses, doctors and all hospital staff that the Ministry has in circulation who are currently working and knowingly have Covid-19 by the Ministry.
I would like this data for the months of Jan, Feb, March, April, May 2022.


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Assaults on staff 2021 to 2022

Staff physically assaulted by patients in past year. Of those how many were off work for more than 20 days? How many resulted in an ACC claim.


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Unvaccinated staff

Staff currently employed by Canterbury DHB who are unvaccinated for COVID-19, according to the COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order.


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MRT MECA bargaining information

MRT staffing, number of examinations, wait times.


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Unvaccinated staff

RE unvaccinated employees who were mandated out of job. Staff on special leave, non paid leave and remain in employment but not working. Policy that on termination a nurse would lose nursing registration. That while stood down a nurse must not attend place of work. Number of nurses hired to replace nurses who had their employment terminated.



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Staff investigations of assaults on patients

Staff investigations of assaults on patients i.e. staff fired, investigated and resigning before being fired / criminal charges being laid / withdrawn by victim? Time frame "All DHB records".


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Assaults on staff 2018 to 2022

The number of assaults on staff for years 2018,2019,2020,2021,2022 (to current date)


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Mental health staff and COVID-19 vaccination mandates

  • How many roles / staff have been terminated / fired / released from contracts by way of refusing mandates for covid-19 vaccinations in the Christchurch Mental Health Sector?
  • Please break down the numbers by worksite / medical establishments where possible, including any mental health roles in prisons?
  • How many staff are performing double shifts on a weekly basis? (Please break down the numbers by worksite / medical establishments where possible)
  • How much time do the patients in the mental health sector receive, on average, quality one-on-one care /support / help? (Please break down the numbers by worksite / medical establishments where possible)
  • How many staff were specialist mental health services short by in November 2021, and how many in December 2021?
  • How many staff had left these roles wholly or partly to do with the covid-19 vaccine mandates?
  • What were the reasons given for the 13 departures?
  • How many were due to covid-19 vaccine mandates?
  • How many more staff have left the facility since July until date of your answer given to this OIA request?
  • How many of these have been partly or wholly due to covid-19 vaccine mandates?



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Mental health staffing

  • Out of the total 627 budgeted nursing roles in Canterbury DHB's specialist mental services, how many staff members short of this total was the DHB in:
    • November 2021,
    • December 2021,
    • January 2022,
    • February 2022,
  • In Christchurch's forensic mental health unit, how many of the unit's total staff members have left the unit in the twelve months to January 2022?
  • In the 12 months to January 2022, how many staff members were physically assaulted by patients in the forensics unit?
  • Of these assaults, how many days did each staff member have to take off work?
  • How many of these assaults resulted in an ACC claim?
  • What is the total number of staff in Christchurch's crisis resolution team?
  • How many staff members in the crisis resolution team have left each year in the five years to 2021 (2016 - 2021)?


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COVID-19 staff vaccinations

A detailed breakdown of CDHB employees and contractors that have NOT received the mandated two doses of a Covid vaccine and have Not been stood down i.e. Unvaccinated and still employed. I would like this data broken down by role, and for clinical staff, further broken down by specialization, along with the reason or rationale for each exemption from the mandate.



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Violence against healthcare staff

  • Rise in aggression and violence against nurses (AVAN).
  • The number of incidents related to nurses, midwives and health care assistants being abused, harassed or physically assaulted/ attacked at their workplace since 1 Jan 2017 to date, broken down by location and calendar year.
  • Brief description of the incidents and what the incidents related to e.g. verbal abuse, physical assault, sexual assault, physical threat or otherwise
  • How many ‘code orange’* events that occurred? Brief description of the events
  • Where did the incidents happen? e.g. the emergency department, mental health/addictions, obstetrics?
  • How many incidents were notified to WorkSafe?
  • How many incidents required police interventions e.g. Police report, statements from DHB employees?
  • How many incidents required an ACC claim?
  • How many incidents resulted in working days lost? And if so, how many?


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Assaults on staff in 2021

  • How many recorded assaults on health staff have there been in 2021?
  • How many recorded incidents of verbal abuse or threats have there been on health staff in 2021?
  • How many days have been lost due to staff taking time off after being assaulted in the same time frame?


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Orderly Health and Safety Representative

  • The name of the Orderly Health and Safety representative as at 26 April 2021
  • How long they had held that role, and
  • A description of the responsibilities of that role


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Tier 1, 2, 3 Contractor pay rates

Over the last 5 years what are the names of contractors, who have worked for longer than one year, in a DHBs tier 1,2 or 3 management position, and what was the daily or weekly or year rate paid to each of these contractors?


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Staff surveys

The latest two staff surveys relating to morale, job safety, security, bullying and harassment and similar from all departments.

  • In whatever format or formats it has been communicated to senior leadership.
  • And any resulting changes from leadership including emails to staff and/or unions.


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External contractors employed by Planning and Funding and IT departments

Can you please provide me with details of contractors/non FTE staff you have working under the funding and planning, and the IT department?
Function: gender date started at DHB date when IT account was setup, hourly rate P&F or IT M/F dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy $xxx


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Mental Health Staffing

  • What are the facilities hosting mental health ED like and are there any plans to improve them?
  • What is the total number of staff working in the mental health crisis team when it is fully resourced.
  • The number of staff working in the team currently?
  • How many people left the mental health crisis team this year? And over the last six years broken down by year?
  • How many staff from the mental health crisis team were assaulted this year, how many resulted in an ACC claim, and how long was each incident off work as a result? Same info for last year and year before if possible too.
  • What is the role of police in assisting the crisis mental health team if they are unable to manage a patient?


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External contractors 2020-2021

The amount of money your department /organisation has spent on the hiring of external contractors in the 2020/2021 financial year.

Could you also provide details of every contract over $10,000, including who/ which firm was hired, to do what job, and over how long of a period.


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Psychometric testing during staff recruitment

The details of any psychometric testing undertaken as part of staff recruitment, training, resourcing or outsourcing - including as undertaken by outside recruitment firms.


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MIQ facility staff earning the living wage

The number of workers, not employed by hotels, but working in MIQFs who are currently earning below the Living Wage.


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Supporting the wellbeing of MIQ facility workers in Canterbury: Survey Summary

  • Date: 10 May 2021
  • Document Type:


The Information Team at Community and Public Health (the public health division of the Canterbury District Health Board), was approached by the Canterbury Regional Isolation and Quarantine (C-RIQ) leadership who were concerned by incidents of stigma and discrimination being reported to them by staff working within the Canterbury Managed Isolation and Quarantine facilities (MIQF). In order to inform next steps by the C-RIQ leadership in supporting their workforce, a rapid literature review and a survey of Canterbury MIQF staff was undertaken in late 2020.

You can also read the full MIQ facility workers survey and literature review


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Supporting the wellbeing of MIQ facility workers in Canterbury: Survey report and rapid literature review


The Information Team at Community and Public Health (the public health division of the Canterbury District Health Board), was approached by the Canterbury Regional Isolation and Quarantine (C-RIQ) leadership who were concerned by incidents of stigma and discrimination being reported to them by staff working within the Canterbury Managed Isolation and Quarantine facilities (MIQF). In order to inform next steps by the C-RIQ leadership in supporting their workforce, a rapid literature review and a survey of Canterbury MIQF staff was undertaken in late 2020.

Literature Review

To date, little or no research has been applied to understanding any work-related wellbeing impacts for individual MIQF workers, their whānau, and their communities, as well as any implications for life outside-of-work. The most closely related literature is focused on healthcare and other front-line workers’ experiences within in-patient contexts, for other viral diseases such as HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS (although the COVID-19 literature is emerging).

In a high-stress situation, such as a pandemic response, distorted disease perception, misinformation, and fear can trigger reactions from individuals and groups that can disproportionately affect front-line workers (and their significant others) and lead to negative psychosocial outcomes. Stigma and discrimination directed towards front-line healthcare workers have been well documented across several previous viral epidemics including HIV, EBOLA, MERS, SARS, and currently COVID-19, where they have been shown to be strongly associated with low staff motivation, poor staff retention, low morale, reduced psychological wellbeing, and in some cases anxiety and depression.

The applicability of the literature review findings to COVID-19 MIQ facilities in New Zealand needs to be considered in light of the differences in illness severity and the nature of the settings studied in the literature. Despite these differences, previous epidemics and settings share many common elements, and many of the studies propose strategies that might be applied in the context of New Zealand’s MIQ facilities.

You can also read the MIQ facility workers survey summary


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DHB spend on casual workers

Please can you advise on the total spent on temporary casual / bank and agency workers by the District in the periods Financial Year 18/19 and 19/20. Your response should be broken down by professional group and financial year.

  • Nursing
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Medical:  Medical Agency spend also includes spend on Locum Doctors.


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Living wage

Information regarding being a "Living Wage Employer":

  1. Is your DHB currently a registered living wage employer?
  2. If yes what factors influenced that decision?
  3. Are your contractors/sub-contractors currently living wage employers?
  4. Do you require them to be?
  5. Does your DHB currently have plans to become a living wage employer?
  6. If so can you describe how far you have progressed?
  7. What do you see as the obstacles to becoming a living wage employer?


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Corporate office staff salaries and consultants employed by CDHB

Corporate Office - salaries, consultants employed in past year, amount spent on IT projects.


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Recruitment of chief executive and management team

Communications regarding the recruitment of new CEO and six other vacant executive management positions.


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Number and cost of ACC claims for Specialist Mental Health Services staff

Number and cost of ACC claims for Specialist Mental Health Services (SMHS) staff as result of physical assault, and staff leave taken.


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Staff meal entitlements and costs

  • Which staff get meal entitlements?
  • How many staff does this include?
  • What meal entitlements do they get?
  • Are there limits or rules regarding these entitlements. If so, what are they?
  • Could I please have the total amount spent on meal entitlements for staff every year for the last five years?
  • Every year for the last five years could I have how many meal entitlement transactions were made?
  • Of those five transactions, what was purchased in each one?
  • What are the five most popular items that have been ordered in the last year and how many times have they been ordered each?


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Remuneration and salaries of medical staff

  • Average annual remuneration paid to the 20 highest-paid clinicians, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set of 20, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • Average annual remuneration paid to the clinical heads of department, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time surgeons , broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to part-time surgeons, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time Senior Medical Officers, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time Resident Medical Officers, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time ED nurses, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The number of sexual harassment, gender discrimination or bullying complaints each year for the last five years (Jan to Dec, including 2020 YTD), with a brief outline of each compliant and a breakdown by gender.
  • Any reports, documents, correspondence, legal advice or emails (both internal and external) regarding: gender pay gap, gender bias, and/or sexual harassment and gender discrimination between January 2015 to September 2020.


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Incidents involving staff members 2017- 2020

Date/numbers/figures of all incidents involving any DHB staff member (including contractors or causal workers) being harassed or, physically or verbally assaulted by a patient from any ward/area under the DHB’s jurisdiction in the last three years to date (07/12/2017 – 07/12/2020).


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Employment Relations Authority (ERA) hearings

  • In the past two years to date how many Employment Relations Authority (ERA) hearings has the CDHB lost?
  • How much money has the DHB paid to former staff members who have laid personal grievance claims against the DHB?
  • How many cases has Chris Jury been involved in where the DHB has lost following an ERA hearing?


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Registered Nurse salaries 2005-2020

Average Registered Nurse salary 2005-2020.


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Women booked with hospital-based midwives and LMC’s

  • By month and since November 1 2019, the number of women booked with a hospital-based midwife/service.
  • If there is a breakdown of the above figure to show how many women were so booked because they couldn’t find or book with a community midwife/Lead Maternity Carer (LMC), can this please be provided.


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Stocktake of roles covered by PSA / APH & T MECA

Stocktake of all CDHB & WCDHB roles covered by PSA / A,PH&T MECA.


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Resignation of Sue Nightingale, CMO

Correspondence regarding the resignation of Sue Nightingale.


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Assaults on staff in the last three years

Assaults last 3 years: Mental Health workers, ED workers, Maternity workers, Health workers.


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COVID-19 impact on staff recruitment

COVID-19 border control impact on DHB clinical workforce recruitment.


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Showing 1-40 of 89 results, page 1 of 3.

Page last updated: 21 September 2022

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