Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
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Information related to bowel screening procedures, including colonoscopy and CT colonography.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
ALL official policies, guidelines, procedures, memos, or other relevant documentation (I'm not sure what technical terms you use for official process) regarding drug screens and ADHD meds used by CDHB psychiatrists when determining whether to grant special authority for controlled ADHD medications.
Copy of Spiritual Care Policy.
All Issues based audits or investigations of mental health services carried out in DHB area in 2020, 2021 and so far this year (2022) including;
I see that you are not allowing visitors who won't or can't wear a face mask. I fully support this. How does this apply with the legality/ discrimination against those who have gained an official face covering exemption for a medical reason or disability. My request is for any legal opinions used by the CDHB in making this decision. I am wanting this information for my own research into this matter.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.
Does Waitaha Canterbury have any cameras with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)?
For the first six months of 2022:
Specialist Mental Health Service - The exact number of people per calendar year (of people in seclusion at the then DHB), not in a graph, just the raw data. 2016 – 2022 YTD.
Copy of the Covid-19 Southern Region Resilience Plan
How many patients from the same secure unit where the man accused of murder on Saturday are/have been granted community leave, and what assessment is done before this kind of leave is granted?
Tāngata Ora | Our People Survey - Can you provide a breakdown of the survey by department?
E ngā iwi, e ngā mana, e ngā karangatanga maha huri noa o Aotearoa nei, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa! Kei te rere taiāwhiowhio tonu te mihi aroha ki ō tātou tini aituā; rātou ki a rātou o te tai awatea, ā, ko tātou ki a tatou kei te whaimuri i te tai ahiahi. Nā reira, tēnā anō tātou katoa!
Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025 (Whakamaua) provides a roadmap of tangible actions that contribute to achieving the vision of pae ora for Māori. The release of Whakamaua, which will guide the implementation of He Korowai Oranga, bridges a gap that has existed since the completion of Whakatātaka Tuarua 2006–2011, the Ministry’s previous Māori health action plan.
Use of Trust / donated funds held in respect of the Ashburton Hospital and Tuarangi Home both of which are in Ashburton.
Te Whare Manaaki: Of the 32 nursing staff, how many have a minimum of two years experience on a forensics mental health unit? How many staff are currently off sick as a result of an assault injury?
Staff vacancies across Hillmorton Hospital.
Follow up to response 10895 - re assaults by patients on staff.
RE the stabbing/murder in Sockburn on 25/06/2022 - request any and all advice, briefings, reports, aides memoire, memos and emails sent/received by CDHB employees - leading up to, and following a police incident (stabbing/murder) in Sockburn on Saturday 25th June.
Information about the murder incident on 25/06/2022.
Autism Spectrum Disorder: Number of assessments, diagnoses, waitlist
Hospital wait times and Emergency Department delays.
The number of front line medical staff including nurses, doctors and all hospital staff that the Ministry has in circulation who are currently working and knowingly have Covid-19 by the Ministry.
I would like this data for the months of Jan, Feb, March, April, May 2022.
What happens to the DHB from the 1 July with the new Health NZ coming?
In each of the financial years ended June 30 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 were Health Partners Consulting engaged by the DHB to undertake any reviews, projects or other activities or work, what was the purpose of each review, project, or other activity or work, and how much was paid to Health Partners Consulting for each review, project, or other activity or work?
I am seeking the job classification/designation of persons involved in the development and authorisation of the following polices:
If there were lay people or people not employed by the hospital involved and I include volunteers, advocates, consumers but not limited, I would like these people to be identified and included in my request.
Total patient admissions numbers to each unit ( North, South, East and West Inpatient Units) at Te Awakura, Hillmorton Hospital between the periods of January 1 2022 and 31st May 2022. I am also requesting during the same period and same units at Te Awakura, Hillmorton Hospital, the following information in regards to the following policy: Search for and removal of banned items procedure (2400052). The total monthly amounts for each unit, as documented in patient notes of the following 2 items: Grounds for personal and property searches? And any evidence to support patient consent being obtained or denied.
Consumer Council Meeting Minutes.
We annually publish the business expenses that the Chief Executive has incurred, as well as any gifts or hospitality over the value of $50.
Showing 41-80 of 1315 results, page 2 of 33.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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