Information related to bowel screening procedures, including colonoscopy and CT colonography.
Times patients wait to see a specialist, to have surgery or to start their cancer treatment.
The current size of the waiting list for all skin cancer referrals to your DHB as follows:
Cervical screening: Backlog of women who still need to be screened since first lockdown (COVID) in particular Maori and Pacific women.
The total number of CA-125 tests performed in your DHB in the 12 month period of 2018, 2019, 2021 (we previously requested 2020). Additionally, if this information is easily available, it would be helpful to understand, the total number of patients receiving the test in each period also.
Total requests during the 12 months of 2020 were for CA-125 blood tests in your DHB region? Can you also please specify the total estimated population your DHB serves.
30/11/2021 REVISED REQUEST: MEDICAL ONCOLOGY and Radiation Oncology - ONLY Oncology Dept:
The impact of Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions on cervical cancer screenings and treatments.
CanRisk questionnaire written by the Canterbury Initiative and adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers.
CDHB - Waiting list GP referrals and waiting list for surgery for the following:
Could you please provide the length of time for patients on the waiting list who was referred in the Canterbury region for the following:
Could you please provide the average wait time for patients being treated with the following cancers:
Canterbury DHB's Readiness report / assessment for the Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
Questions around Medical Oncology staffing numbers, leave taken by staff, and type of leave taken by staff.
Survey - how a person with cancer has their oral health needs assessed and addressed at each stage of their cancer journey in NZ.
Total number of patients referred to and seen by Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology specialities within specified time.
Information about your DHB's outsourcing arrangement with the local private radiation oncology provider for delivery of radiation treatment to public patients. Can I please be provided with: 1. total number of treatment courses delivered by tumour type (or palliative if it was palliative intent) between 1 July 2018 and 30 May 2020 in the private provider on your behalf for public patients.
Information on the cost to the tax payer; any or all of the price paid per treatment course delivered, the price per fraction or the total dollar amount paid for all the treatment courses included in your response to the question 1. 3. the number of public patients who received their radiation oncology FSA in private provider on your behalf between 1 July 2018 and 30 May 2020.
Is the drug Avastin used to treat cancers, administered to any patients in the DHB's public Hospitals? If so what is the drug used to treat and how many patients are treated with it?
Skin cancer prevention funding and expenditure in the last 10 years.
Over latest 12 month period. Number of patients treated for dialysis? Number treated with chemotherapy. How many patients have required stays longer than two days in hospital? Broken down by hospital if possible.
The number of women who received radiation therapy for the most recent full year. Number of women provided with fully funded Mepitel film. Number of women who were not recommended Mepitel film and who were given information about how to purchase from supplier.
Current waiting time for: Referral from a GP for a prostate cancer initial consultation; for a follow up appointment for a prostate biopsy; for a post biopsy appointment to discuss results and treatment options and for a radical prostatectomy following the post biopsy appointment for persons with a confirmed prostate cancer diagnosis?
Priority Spending and cancer treatment. What is the DHB's top ten priorities for spending in the 2019/2020 financial year, and in the past five financial years? Proportion of patients accepted for urgent diagnostic colonoscopy who received the procedure with 14 days. Proportion of patients who received their first treatment within 62 days of being referred with a high suspicion of cancer and a need to be seen within 2 weeks for each of the last five years.
Prostate Cancer: Current wait times: following referral from GP. Follow up appointment for prostate biopsy. Post biopsy appointment to discuss results. Radical prostatectomy following post biopsy appointment.
Average wait time for patients referred with high suspicion of cancer.
Please provide information on Schedule H budget spent on pharmaceuticals 2015/16 and 2017/18
How many rounds of chemotherapy is a patient entitled to under the DHB?
Surgical waiting lists for cancer and is Canterbury DHB meeting its FCT targets.
Showing 1-28 of 28 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 30 September 2022
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