All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .


81 documents.

Adult Inpatient Experience Survey – July to September 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Maternity Survey Results – January to March 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Gynaecology Survey Results – January to March 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Quarterly Report – Child Health Inpatient Survey Results January to March 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Ōu Whāinga Inpatient Maternity Survey Results – April to June 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Quarterly Report – Child Health Inpatient Survey Results April – June 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Gynaecology Survey Results – April to June 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Inpatient Experience Survey – January to March 2023

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Maternity Survey Results – October to December 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Gynaecology Survey Results – October to December 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Quarterly Report – Child Health Inpatient Survey Results October – December 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Inpatient Experience Survey – October to December 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Waitaha Canterbury Inpatient Experience Survey Te Rūri Wheako- ā-Tūroro / Public Report – Inpatient Adult Survey Results April – June 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Maternity Survey Results – July to September 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Patient Experience Survey – Quarterly Report – Child Health Inpatient Survey Results July – September 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Complaints of verbal sexual harassment from a patient towards another patient

  • How many complaints of verbal sexual harassment from a patient towards another patient Canterbury DHB/West Coast DHB has received in 2022, as well as the total number of complaints for this in 2021.
  • How many complaints of unwanted touch from a patient towards another patient Canterbury DHB/West Coast DHB has received in 2022, as well as the total number of complaints for this in 2021.
  • Can the number of complaints for both situations and years please be broken down by Grey Base Hospital, Christchurch Hospital, Christchurch Women’s Hospital and Ashburton Hospital.


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Patient Experience Survey – Inpatient Gynaecology Survey Results – July to September 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Inpatient Experience Survey – July to September 2022

We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our  teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.

Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.

Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message.  Taking part is voluntary.

If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.


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Wait times for Cancer treatment and surgery

Times patients wait to see a specialist, to have surgery or to start their cancer treatment.


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Customer Service Personnel Burwood

Job description of customer service personnel at Burwood Hospital. Salary of these workers.


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Staff investigations of assaults on patients

Staff investigations of assaults on patients i.e. staff fired, investigated and resigning before being fired / criminal charges being laid / withdrawn by victim? Time frame "All DHB records".


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COVID-19 hospitalisations

I've heard there are a few patients that have been hospitalised for more than month.

  • How many patients have there been?
  • How long have they each stayed in hospital?
  • How many have had to go into ICU and how long have they each stayed there (as part of their total time in hospital)?
  • And were they on a ventilator when in ICU? How many of these patients were vaccinated when they presented at hospital?

If there are any other details that can be provided too (eg. age, ethnicity, sex) that would be appreciated.


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Emergency Department COVID-19 vaccinations

  • A list of all district health board emergency departments that have a policy to provide COVID -19 vaccinations to unvaccinated people (COVID-19 ) who attend the emergency department
  • A list of all district health board emergency departments, paediatric debarments or wards that have a policy to provide childhood immunisations to all unvaccinated children who attend the department or ward.
  • What plan each district health board has to connect people or children not currently enrolled in primary care who attend the emergency department or other departments - in primary care ( registered with a PHO) - currently only 84% of Māori are enrolled in primary care (PHO).


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Cancer misdiagnosis and delayed diagnosis

  • How many people had a cancer misdiagnosis in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021?
  • How many people had a delayed diagnosis of cancer in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021?


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Emergency Department presentations 2020-21

Please provide a breakdown of all emergency admission (presentations) numbers in 2020 and 2021, broken down by month. Please include a categorisation of the types of admission (presentation) also.


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Hospitals at Code Red and Code Black during 2021

Number of days hospitals spent in 'Code Red' and 'Code Black' 2021 calendar year (Jan-Dec).


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Palliative care

Palliative care services provided by DHB / Costs / staffing.


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COVID-19 hospitalisations

  • Covid hospitalisation directly related to covid and covid only.
  • Covid hospitalisation where patient was admitted for another reason and covid was detected after arriving at the hospital.
  • ICU and HDU beds used for covid only infections.
  • ICU and HDU beds used for non-covid conditions where a covid test after arriving at the hospital showed infection.


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Feeding tubes

  • How many people under the CDHB have a feeding tube? Would appreciate this by age bracket please, eg 5 year brackets.
  • Does the CCDHB provide, free of charge, the Nutricia Flocare Infinity Go Frame for those feeding tube patients requiring one and if so, what is the GST excl unit price that the CCDHB purchase them for from Nutricia?


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Code of conduct and patient rights

Canterbury DHB staff codes of conduct for clinicians, doctors and other health assessors. Rights of patients.


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COVID-19 related hospital admissions

Please indicate what is your exact procedure for determining that hospital admissions in this current time are in fact directly due to Covid-19.

i.e. are you testing people who are admitting themselves for something non respiratory related and if they test positive after admission for sars cov 2 are you listing it as a covid admission regardless ?

i.e. people who are admitted for something respiratory related that is later diagnosed as not sars cov 2, are you indicating them as covid hospitalisations if they return a positive test during admission.


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Treatment protocols

Treatment protocols: Post-Operative Urinary retention, persistent postsurgical pain, treatment of patients after a suicide attempt or suicidal ideation and constipation


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Cervical screening backlog due to COVID-19

Cervical screening: Backlog of women who still need to be screened since first lockdown (COVID) in particular Maori and Pacific women.


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Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology referral wait times, staffing and capacity

30/11/2021 REVISED REQUEST: MEDICAL ONCOLOGY and Radiation Oncology -  ONLY Oncology Dept:

  • How many people who have been referred for a first specialist appointment for suspected cancer are waiting over the clinically recommended time frame?
  • What is the CDHB's maximum wait time target for cancer referrals?
  • How many people with diagnosed cancer are waiting to get a specialist appointment for treatment?
  • What is the CDHB doing to address  this?
  • What requests has the CDHB received from staff in the oncology department for additional staff to be recruited?
  • How was this responded to?


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Emergency Department presentations

ED / Emergency Department admissions 2020 and 2021 broken down by month and types of admissions.


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Emergency Department presentations 2020/2021

  • How many people admitted to emergency department since 1st March until now.
  • As well compared from 1st March 2020 until 31st December 2020.
  • Also breakdown information on reasons for admitting to emergency department.


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Covid-19 hospital triage protocols

  • The Triaged Protocol used for Covid-19 cases in Hospitals under your district used for assessing patient case severity.
  • For each level of severity, provide the treatment protocol given including medicines and dosage prescribed.
  • What Antivirals, Immune-Modulators, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-coagulant, and Convalescent plasma's are used along with there Indications.


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COVID lockdowns effect on health services

Elective procedures, imaging (MRI, CT scans) and mental health appointments delayed under lockdown levels 3 and 4.


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Impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on cervical cancer treatment

The impact of Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions on cervical cancer screenings and treatments.


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Showing 1-40 of 81 results, page 1 of 3.

Page last updated: 22 April 2024

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