All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .


53 documents.

Mental Healthcare workers

  1. How many mental health care workers are employed in the district?
  2. Can this please be broken down by psychiatrists, psychologists, counsellors, clinical social workers, mental health nurses or other mental health staff?
  3. How many vacant roles are there currently within the mental health team?
  4. What are the roles that need to be filled?
  5. What is the current average wait time for the first appointment with mental health services?
  6. What is the current average wait time to see a psychiatrist?
  7. How many people were seen by the district’s mental health services in 2021, and 2022 so far?
  8. Do you have a priority system in place to determine who needs to be seen most urgently?
  9. Could you outline the levels and the definitions that align with those priority levels?
  10. What is the district's definition of a mental health crisis?
  11. How much funding has been dedicated to districts' mental health services in the past five years?
  12. Of that total how much has been dedicated to child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)?


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Tāngata Ora Our People Survey

Tāngata Ora | Our People Survey - Can you provide a breakdown of the survey by department?


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Mental health nursing vacancies

Te Whare Manaaki: Of the 32 nursing staff, how many have a minimum of two years experience on a forensics mental health unit? How many staff are currently off sick as a result of an assault injury?


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Communications and Public Relations Staff

For each financial year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and for the partial year of 2022 to date:

  • Number of FTE communications /media staff employed in each year (this includes all internal and external communications staff /content producers and social media staff).
  • The salary range paid to communications staff in each year.
  • Number of communications/media contractors used in each year.
  • Total sum paid to communications contractors in each year.
  • A breakdown of positions and numbers employed in each role (i.e. how many media advisors, senior media advisors, internal communications, managers, social media producers/managers).
  • How many media queries received in each year.
  • How many interview requests received in each year.
  • How many media interviews given,  and to which media organisations and when.
  • Total salary costs for communications staff each year.
  • In each year, how many communications staff paid a salary more than $100,000 per annum and $200,000 per annum.


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Managing staff fatigue

  • Do you have a policy which instructs staff on how to manage fatigue?
  • How many times (if at all) have staff exceeded 75 hours work in a 7 day period?
  • If there are staff who have exceeded 75 hours work in a 7 day period, what position were they employed in?
  • What is the longest continuous time frame which staff could possibly work?
  • What position would staff in question 4 hold?


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PGY1 House Officers

1. The total number of PGY1 House Officer positions filled by the ACE matching system for each year between 2014 and 2022, and a breakdown of these by country of training of the candidate (e.g. New Zealand, Australia).

2. The total number of PGY1 House Officer positions filled in by NZREX graduates for each year between 2014 and 2022.

3. The total number of PGY1 House Officer positions filled in by candidates from a Comparable Health System (e.g. U.K., Ireland, U.S.A., Canada etc.) for each year between 2014 and 2022.

4. The total number of PGY1 House Officer positions that were available and advertised outside of the ACE matching system for each year between 2014 and 2022.


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Theatre nurse shortage

Theatre Nurse shortage (Vacancies vs illness). Effect on planned care.


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PGY1 job positions

  • Total number of PGY1 positions filled through ACE matching process from 2014-2020? Could you please provide me those numbers broken down by year.
  • Total number of PGY1 positions filled by NZREX doctors from 2014-2020? Numbers broken down by year?
  • Total number of PGY1 positions filled by IMGs from Comparable Health countries from 2014-2020?
  • Do you have any preference criteria for PGY1 job hiring candidates?
  • How does the DHB priorities NZREX candidates?
  • Is there any support program available for NZREX doctors to get the PGY1 jobs?


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Palliative care

Palliative care services provided by DHB / Costs / staffing.


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Staffing of mental health facilities

Please release correspondence with unions and staff (not individual staff, but group messages), in the 2021 calendar year, about staffing of mental health facilities.


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Orthopaedic surgery and related questions

17 questions: Orthopaedic surgery wait list, pain management, number of surgeons, support services for patients with spinal injury, prescription drug addiction, pain clinic. Suicides while waiting for surgery.


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Unpaid leave

Unpaid Leave - LWOP (Leave without Pay) for period longer than six months 2015-2021 YTD.


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Number of pharmacy staff (November 2021)

Pharmacists: headcount/FTE, Pharmacy Technicians headcount/FTE, Pharmacy Assistants headcount/FTE, resignations and pending resignations since 4/11/2020 broken down into pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy assistants.


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Managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) spending May 2020 to May 2021

Re CDHB 10636:

  • How much has CDHB spent on healthcare matters in MIQ facilities. $15,809,936 for year May 2020 to May 2021.
  • Can you provide me with a breakdown of these costs?
  • What was this money spent on? i.e. outside health professionals contracted in etc.


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Information about psychologists employed by Canterbury DHB

Psychologists: FTE/Headcount / Pay scales 1-9 / Pay scale 10 and above / Number of applications for merit progression and how many successful. 1/12/2019 - 30/6/2021


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Staff surveys

The latest two staff surveys relating to morale, job safety, security, bullying and harassment and similar from all departments.

  • In whatever format or formats it has been communicated to senior leadership.
  • And any resulting changes from leadership including emails to staff and/or unions.


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Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) availability, after-hours call hours

Provide the following information identified by Department/Specialty and by Hospital – that is, Christchurch, Hillmorton, Burwood, Princess Margaret, Ashburton Hospitals.

  • Availability Allowance.
  • Average after-hours call hours.
  • Call ratio.
  • Shift patterns (where they exist).
  • Recovery Time Agreements.
  • % of Non-Clinical time


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COVID Vaccination Programme Pharmacy staff

  • The number of Pharmacy employees at your DHB that are currently seconded to the COVID Vaccination Programme and what their profession is (e.g. Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician, Pharmacy Assistant etc.).
  • What they were paid prior to their secondment and what they are currently paid under the COVID Vaccination Programme.


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Multiple Sclerosis related staffing, wait times and services

Neurologists/Nurses/Nurse specialists staffing numbers. Waiting times 2020/2021 Financial year FSAs, Outpatients, follow up, Outpatient MRI, Outpatient infusion clinic appointment.


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Mental Health Staffing

  • What are the facilities hosting mental health ED like and are there any plans to improve them?
  • What is the total number of staff working in the mental health crisis team when it is fully resourced.
  • The number of staff working in the team currently?
  • How many people left the mental health crisis team this year? And over the last six years broken down by year?
  • How many staff from the mental health crisis team were assaulted this year, how many resulted in an ACC claim, and how long was each incident off work as a result? Same info for last year and year before if possible too.
  • What is the role of police in assisting the crisis mental health team if they are unable to manage a patient?


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Covid Vaccination staff job description and details

  1. The Job Description of the person in charge (or employed within the Canterbury District Health Board) of the current and local (Canterbury region) Covid 19 Vaccination process.
  2. The Salary (also expenses) of the person in charge (or employed within the Canterbury District Health Board) of the current and local (Canterbury region) Covid 19 vaccination process


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MIQ and healthcare workers employment terminated

How many MIQ workers and frontline healthcare workers have had their employment terminated because they have not received the Covid vaccination?


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Leave taken by Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) December 2020 / January 2021

The total number of annual leave days taken by (all) Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) in your employ in each of the following months for each DHB (WCDHB and CDHB) separately: December 2020 and January 2021


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Staffing and supplies since 2020

  • Since the start of 2020 how many people have been made redundant at Canterbury DHB?
  • How many fixed term contracts been terminated?
  • How many people have been employed as permanent staff?
  • How many fixed term contracts have been initiated?
  • How are your supplies of smart infusions, infusion sets, medications, and IV fluids?
  • Are any of your supplies at critical levels? If so, what, and when will they be restocked?
  • Are you able to replenish your above mentioned supplies easily?


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Cardiology staffing, March 2021

Re Cardiology Dept 15-29 March 2021:

  • Number of echo staff,
  • hours worked;
  • numbers of cases completed per day and size of backlog;
  • period of time backlog has existed;
  • number of and period of staff absence for any reason including training, sickness, unfilled positions, acting up;
  • work allocation and prioritisation; triage system rules;
  • outpatient backlog size;
  • age and quality of equipment.


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CDHB staff vacancies March 2021

The total number of staff vacancies across all sites operated by the DHB, broken down by area of work (eg. Nursing) as of 01/03/2021.


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Nurse Turnover – December 2020-February 2021

Christchurch Hospital nurses turnover:

  • How many nurses have left their jobs at Christchurch Hospital in the past three months?
  • How many were replaced?
  • How many have left the CDHB?
  • What has been the turnover rate over the last three months and how does it compare with previous years?


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Nursing staff resignations, maternity leave, and recruitment

In the past six months how many nursing staff have resigned or gone on maternity leave? Of those, how many have been replaced?


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Specialist locums spend in last five-years

DHB spend on locums for medical specialists every year for the past five years. i.e. General surgery, Orthopaedics, Enterology, Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, Urology, Cardiology.

Total locum spend year by year over this period, as well as the total internal staff spent on specialists for the same periods?

What is the size of the population the DHB serves and what is its annual operating budget? It would also be helpful to have explanations for higher (or lower) than usual locum costs for particular periods and whether or not the DHB offers limited services in respective departments.


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Occupational Therapists

Occupational therapists: headcount, FTE, annual leave taken. Continuing professional development Budget and Spend 2018/2019 and 2019/2020


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Canterbury DHB Annual Reports 2001-2008

All annual reports from financial year 2001/2002 - 2007/2008.


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Occupancy of The Princess Margaret Hospital

Number of people, staff and patients who currently occupy The Princess Margaret Hospital


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Staffing and sick leave during COVID-19 pandemic

  • How has Covid-19 affected staffing? In terms of staying home as if the slightest bit sick.
  • What was your rate of sick leave from March - September 2019 compared to the same period 2020?
  • How has the DHB managed this?
  • What was the DHB's average occupancy rate for March - September 2019 compared to the same period 2020? Can this please be broken down by month rather than lumped together.
  • Has this resulted in the DHB having to activate an action plan or escalation plan for wards? i.e. adults being put on children wards where there is more staffing etc.


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Correspondence about RMO medical year

All and any correspondence held by DHB pertaining to movement of the RMO medical year on a permanent basis since 1/01/2020


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Leave taken by Senior Medical Officers (SMOs)

The total number of annual leave days taken by all Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) in each of following months: December 2018, January 2019, December 2019 and January 2020.


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Number of dietitians employed. Salary step, continuing professional development.


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Number of pharmacy staff

Number of Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians, Pharmacy Assistants, salary step, CPD budget and spend FYs 2018 and 2019


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Emergency Board Meeting on 4 August 2020

Minutes from 4th August 2020 emergency board meeting.


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Leave taken by Resident Medical Officers (RMOs)

Number of days annual leave taken by Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) between 23/12/2019 and 12/01/2020


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Showing 1-40 of 53 results, page 1 of 2.

Page last updated: 5 October 2022

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