Please note this request has been made to both Te Whatu Ora Waitaha and Nationally as well as the Ministry of Health.
Does Waitaha Canterbury have any cameras with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)?
RE earthquake-prone buildings owned, occupied, rented, leased or in use by Canterbury DHB.
Car parking proposals from the time Tony Ryall was Min of Health 2014. Correspondence CEO and EMT.
Information about the cost of removing trees from Burwood Hospital Campus grounds.
Questions regarding road access once the new Hillmorton Hospital building is completed.
I wish to know who is the person in charge of seeing that PMH is reopened.
Copies of documents created since the start of 2019 that relate to the condition, performance and adequacy of specialist mental health facilities managed by the DHB: Copies of business cases for repairs or upgrades of existing SMHS facilities / building of new facilities. Bed occupancy rates, bed numbers, unplanned readmission rates, funding for SMHS addiction facilities etc.
Future plans for vacant land i.e. old Womens Hospital Colombo street. Is this land to be sold, when? If not sold what are the plans?
Re Waipapa / new hospital building:
Any correspondence in the last six months between the executive management team and senior clinical staff/leaders about the refurbishment of Parkside hospital wards and the business case for Tower three and/or tower four AND any correspondence between Sir John Hansen and MoH staff in the last six months about the refurbishment of Parkside hospital wards and the business case for Tower three and/or tower four
A copy of the Hillmorton Hospital Masterplan.
How much funding has been spent on refurbishment and/or maintenance of the services at TPMH in the past 3 years, broken down by service, year and type of work.
How many complaints has the CDHB received in the past 12 months regarding facilities at TPMH, Hillmorton, and Parkside. Can you provide the complaints and the responses from the CDHB?
Temporary fencing utilised since 2010 earthquakes: cost, supplier, tender process, length of time in place, how many kilometres of fencing, repairing vandalism i.e. graffiti, lifespan of fencing.
All correspondence (including reports, letters, emails, texts) between the CDHB board chair Sir John Hansen, and the clinical leaders group, and Ministry of Health staff (including Crown Monitor Lester Levy) regarding hospital facilities from August 18 to September 18 2020.
All correspondence between the clinical leaders group and CDHB executive leadership team staff members regarding hospital facilities from August 18 to September 18 2020
Number of people, staff and patients who currently occupy The Princess Margaret Hospital
The number of prefabricated buildings currently in use at hospitals?”
Any correspondence between: Clinical Leaders Group and: CDHB, MoH, Minister of Health's office following the special Board Meeting held 1/5/2020 where CDHB board members voted to endorse the $150m five-storey tower block at Christchurch Hospital.
Minutes from the Board meeting on May 1 2020 (that were publicly excluded) in regards to the Christchurch Hospital Campus Master Plan – Tower 3 and Compliance Costs?
Future plans for vacant land i.e. old Womens Hospital Colombo street. Is this land to be sold, when? If not sold what are the plans?
Correspondence between CDHB and Minister, MoH between Aug 2019 and Feb 2020 re provision of car parking at Christchurch Hospital.
Concept design drawings of any kind showing Hillmorton new facilities. Reports/documents produced as part of the preliminary design process. Correspondence from Clinical Leaders Group to DHB management regarding the new facilities.
An estimate of the floor space of Canterbury DHB hospitals.
All correspondence from Clinical Leaders Group, or any correspondence from individual clinicians on behalf of the group, to CDHB management regarding the redevelopment of the Christchurch Hospital campus and the two business cases in 2019 up to the submission of the business cases.
The Hillmorton Hospital Masterplan. Draft Business case for Te Awakura.
Any correspondence between March and October 2019 regarding Christchurch Hospital car parking. Any reports received or produced by the working group on parking, including traffic modelling.
A list of passive fire defects identified, per building, and those buildings' IL ratings? Who made the call that a WOF can be issued even though passive fire is not up to scratch? Details of what has been rectified, what hasn't and what will be (repair timeline).
Information about the Ashburton Hospital Redevelopment Project and the use of health services since the redevelopment.
All correspondence sent and received David Meates / Clinical Leaders Group between 27 March 2017 and 5 July 2019. All correspondence David Meates and Michelle Arrowsmith between 1 June 2018 and 5 July 2019.
Schedule of capital charge funding that the CDHB received from the years 2013 through to 2018.
Re $79 million for the new mental health facilities at Hillmorton Hospital. Impact of this new funding on the capital charge.
Request for time frame for release of Hillmorton detailed business case.
The most recent detailed seismic assessments for Burwood Campus except the new building.
Updates for buildings - Hillmorton Burwood Christchurch Women's Clinical Services Building and Parkside
Correspondence between Canterbury DHB and HRPG and Ministry of Health regarding the Acute Services Building.
A list of all buildings/facilities that have been identified as needing remediation or building works.
Showing 1-40 of 47 results, page 1 of 2.
Page last updated: 5 October 2022
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