Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
Use the Search menu (left) to apply a filter and list documents. Each document has a document type, a summary, and topics and tags associated with it.
Hoarding - stats on cases dealt with, services provided/funded offered to help people with hoarding?
Policies and practices, if any, regarding admitting children in care to hospital.
The latest two staff surveys relating to morale, job safety, security, bullying and harassment and similar from all departments.
The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.
ICU bed occupancy (% of ICU beds occupied or number of occupied bed days and total number of available beds) for the period 1 Jan 2018 until the most recent available date. Could this please be provided in the smallest time periods possible (days, if available, otherwise weeks, otherwise months).
PPE stock and readiness for another COVID outbreak.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
RMO FTE on ED runs 2016 and 2021, ED patient volumes last five years, ED presentations January and June 2021 by time band and day.
Provide the following information identified by Department/Specialty and by Hospital – that is, Christchurch, Hillmorton, Burwood, Princess Margaret, Ashburton Hospitals.
# Since 2020, copies of any reports received or held by the DHB that were completed in relation to OPCAT (the United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) inspections of secure aged care facilities, and copies of any response to these reports.
With yet more reports appearing in The Press about the crisis that the CDHB is facing in the delivery of public healthcare, apart from surgical procedures being outsourced at considerable cost to the CDHB each year, given that Christchurch has New Zealand's first genuine charity hospital founded by Dr Bagshaw (St George's Hospital is a fee-charging society with charitable purposes while the Charity Hospital does not charge for its services),
Last five years, number of young women under 25 / hysterectomy. How many accepted and how many declined. Criteria for women under 25 to be eligible for hysterectomy.
All original communications including briefings, reports, memos, aides memoirs, cabinet papers and texts regarding the following information:
How much PPE CDHB hospitals received and disposed of during the pandemic.
Follow up to response to CDHB 10640 - removal of goods being sold in CDHB Hospitals which contain sugar.
The number of scheduled COVID-19 vaccination appointments that were missed data to date since 1 July 2021 (i.e. since we moved to NIBS National booking system) as per our response to previous requests CDHB 10628
Neurologists/Nurses/Nurse specialists staffing numbers. Waiting times 2020/2021 Financial year FSAs, Outpatients, follow up, Outpatient MRI, Outpatient infusion clinic appointment.
Seismic/Building report done on Princess Margaret Hospital / Main Building
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
We know that patient experience is a good indicator of the quality of our health services. Better experience, stronger partnerships with consumers, patient and family-centred care have been linked to improved health, clinical, financial, service and care outcomes. Patient feedback is used by our teams to monitor and improve the care we provide.
Understanding how people experience healthcare gives us valuable insight and an opportunity to celebrate our success, do more of what we are doing well and to find ways of how we can do better.
Every fortnight we invite patients who have spent at least one night in hospital or have attended an outpatient appointment to participate in our patient experience survey. An invitation to participate in the survey is delivered via email or a link in a text message. Taking part is voluntary.
If you receive an electronic invite – please complete it! We really value your time to provide us with feedback. Be assured your responses are completely anonymous.
Can you please provide me with details of contractors/non FTE staff you have working under the funding and planning, and the IT department?
Function: gender date started at DHB date when IT account was setup, hourly rate P&F or IT M/F dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy $xxx
A copy of the information on abortion provided to the Ministry of Health in your Boards quarterly reports for the last quarter of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021.
EY Taskforce Programme Support Phase 2
The number of patients from Christchurch Men’s’ Prison who were admitted to Hillmorton Hospital and discharged in 2016 and 2017?
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
Showing 281-320 of 1316 results, page 8 of 33.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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