All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .

Document Library

Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website

Use the Search menu (left) to apply a filter and list documents. Each document has a document type, a summary, and topics and tags associated with it. 

1316 documents.

Private referrals for hip and knee replacement surgery

Hip and Knee replacements referred by private specialist / referred privately by specialist who also works for DHB / number of private referrals who don't have to undertake an FSA.


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Hillmorton Hospital Masterplan

A copy of the Hillmorton Hospital Masterplan.


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HDC complaints regarding surgical equipment

Number of formal complaints about surgical equipment mistakenly being left behind in patients in the last three years, which went to the Health and Disability Commissioner or resulted in a review of hospital policy.


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HDC Complaints

Information regarding the number of Health and Disability Commissioner HDC complaints which resulted in disciplinary action or resulted in a review of hospital policy at Canterbury Coast District Health Board in the last three years.

Broken down by year, what complaint was about, where it happened, and if and how it was resolved.


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Funding personal care for children, under 65’s, and over 65s

Individualised funding personal care and respite policy / service specifications for Children, under 65's, and over 65s.


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Patient Care Revenue

Total patient care revenue actual vs budget as reported in the Statement of Comprehensive Revenue and Expense.

Please provide the breakdown of the budget totals for Patient Care Revenue as reported in the financial statements for the following years: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.


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Equipment purchased for cataract surgery

The amount paid for intraocular lenses, the type of intraocular lenses purchased and the volume ordered per year for the last five years.

The amount paid for viscoelastics, surgical blades and sutures for cataract surgery.


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Surgery thresholds

Surgery threshold for: Endometriosis laparoscopic surgery, Knee replacement, hip replacement and whether any surgery thresholds have changed in the last five years at your DHB?

Can this include what the threshold change was and for what surgery.


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Māori & Pacific Fertility Services

How many Māori and Pacific Island women (both as a figure and a percentage) received publicly funded fertility treatment through the DHB over the past two years.


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Maintenance, refurbishment and complaints about hospital facilities in the last three years

How much funding has been spent on refurbishment and/or maintenance of the services at TPMH in the past 3 years, broken down by service, year and type of work.
How many complaints has the CDHB received in the past 12 months regarding facilities at TPMH, Hillmorton, and Parkside. Can you provide the complaints and the responses from the CDHB?


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EY Report, June 2020

A copy of the Ernst Young Report costing $240,000 and examining the drivers of the Canterbury DHB deficit.


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EY and Deloitte reports

Follow up to response to 10432. Request for EY and Deloitte reports.


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Firearms injuries since 2016

People treated for firearm injuries since January 2016?


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Temporary fencing

Temporary fencing utilised since 2010 earthquakes: cost, supplier, tender process, length of time in place, how many kilometres of fencing, repairing vandalism i.e. graffiti, lifespan of fencing.


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Information about terminations

  • What is the maximum gestation accepted for an abortion at your facility?
  • What was the gestational age of the oldest unborn child terminated at your facility since 2010?
  • Why, in the rare event that a child is born alive in an abortion at your facility is it not provided with the care that is mandated by the MoH?


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Māori and Non-Māori Mental Health Services

For Māori and non-Māori referred to MH Services: referral numbers for each service, psychiatric diagnoses / how many engaged with a psychologist / number prescribed medication.


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Waiting list for surgeries

CDHB - Waiting list GP referrals and waiting list for surgery for the following:

  • Knee Replacement
  • Hip Replacement
  • Hysterectomy
  • Bariatric Surgery
  • Breast Reconstruction

Could you please provide the length of time for patients on the waiting list who was referred in the Canterbury region for the following:

  • CT/MRI/PET Scans
  • Colonoscopy

Could you please provide the average wait time for patients being treated with the following cancers:

  • Lung
  • Bowel
  • Prostate
  • Breast
  • Cervical
  • Skin 


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PPE for Nurses at Sudima Hotel

Two workers at Sudima who tested positive. Provide a description of the full PPE that the nurses were wearing. Copy of standard operating procedures provided and staff training manuals provided to the nurses for testing Covid infected people.


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Alcohol related harm

  • Alcohol related harm: 2015-2020 Ytd: number of people treated / Age / Ethnicity.
  • Number of people admitted / age/ ethnicity. Number of people who died from alcohol related harm and the cost for each person who was treated for alcohol related causes.


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Sensitive Expenditure

  • Sensitive expenditure: Gifts, Koha, Tips/gratuity, Hospitality/entertainment, Alcohol, Air travel / domestic and international, Accommodation / international and domestic, Taxis/corporate vehicles, Rental cars, Moving expenses, Parking/traffic offences, Christmas functions, Social clubs.
  • All correspondence for 2018, 2019 and 2020, both internal and external, including emails, letters, text messages, reports, advice etc, relating to concerns around sensitive expenditure. This should include all correspondence involving your relevant government department or agency and the Office of the Auditor General.


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Non-Resident Foreign Debt

  1. Non-resident/foreign debt last five years?
  2. How much paid and how much left owing?
  3. How much written off in each of those years?
  4. Largest bill and what was it for?
  5. What was largest unpaid bill in that period and what was it for?
  6. Can you break down costs by type of treatment?


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Staff meal entitlements and costs

  • Which staff get meal entitlements?
  • How many staff does this include?
  • What meal entitlements do they get?
  • Are there limits or rules regarding these entitlements. If so, what are they?
  • Could I please have the total amount spent on meal entitlements for staff every year for the last five years?
  • Every year for the last five years could I have how many meal entitlement transactions were made?
  • Of those five transactions, what was purchased in each one?
  • What are the five most popular items that have been ordered in the last year and how many times have they been ordered each?


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Remuneration and salaries of medical staff

  • Average annual remuneration paid to the 20 highest-paid clinicians, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set of 20, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • Average annual remuneration paid to the clinical heads of department, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time surgeons , broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to part-time surgeons, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time Senior Medical Officers, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time Resident Medical Officers, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The average annual remuneration paid to full-time ED nurses, broken down by gender (into number of men and women in this set, and the average salary paid to each gender).
  • The number of sexual harassment, gender discrimination or bullying complaints each year for the last five years (Jan to Dec, including 2020 YTD), with a brief outline of each compliant and a breakdown by gender.
  • Any reports, documents, correspondence, legal advice or emails (both internal and external) regarding: gender pay gap, gender bias, and/or sexual harassment and gender discrimination between January 2015 to September 2020.


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External financial reports

How many external reviews/reports that relate to the financial management of the CDHB have been commissioned in the last three years, and what was the cost of each review/report?


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Incidents involving staff members 2017- 2020

Date/numbers/figures of all incidents involving any DHB staff member (including contractors or causal workers) being harassed or, physically or verbally assaulted by a patient from any ward/area under the DHB’s jurisdiction in the last three years to date (07/12/2017 – 07/12/2020).


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Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting Agenda – 28 January 2021

The Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) meets approximately every 3 months.


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Disability Steering Group (DSG) Meeting Minutes – 22 January 2021

The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.


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International Mariners Quarantine

Managed isolation and quarantine of international mariners including a report related to their stay in October 2020.


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QFARC Minutes 29 September 2020

The Minutes relating to Quality, Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee (QFARC) meeting 29/9/2020. Items. 4 - 9.


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Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate

Please provide Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) data reported by DHB from 2013 to Nov 2020 by month and year.


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Māori Non-Māori Mental Health Services

  • How many non-Māori are currently on a waitlist for psychological intervention with a psychologist?
  • Māori specific MH - Criteria for acceptance into service?
  • Number of referrals 2019/20 FY?
  • Referrals for each service / diagnosis?
  • Referrals accepted in absence of psychiatric diagnosis?
  • Referral declined and reasons?


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SARS Cov-2 testing on mariners

Regarding the ‘new strain’ of the SARS CoV-2: Has any evidence of that viral strain been forensically checked for, on the 3 vessels involved and were any of the cargos transporting frozen foodstuffs, fluids, chemicals, or containing medical supplies?


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Bariatric surgery funding in last 5 years

  • Number of bariatric surgeries publicly funded by CDHB in last five years?
  • How much funding was provided by the CDHB?
  • The number of people on the wait list for bariatric surgery?


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Primary birthing units in Rolleston and central Christchurch

All and any reports and correspondence re new primary birthing unit in Rolleston and/or central Christchurch in the past three years.


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Mana Ake KPIs

All Mana Ake KPIs. Who is the project owner for Mana Ake in Canterbury? What governance meetings are held? When are the next three scheduled? Who chairs this meeting. All Terms of Reference associated with mana ake?


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Charging non-residents for health services

How many foreign nationals (non-resident) have been charged by public health system between 1/4/2019 and 31/3/2020.


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MKWCT In – Komiti Board Hui – 15 December 2020

Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.


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PHO services agreement regarding after-hours services

  1. Does your DHB have a current plan or strategy for the provision of After-Hours / Urgent Care Services as defined in the PHO Services Agreement?
  2. As a DHB, do you directly provide or fund that meets the requirements of the provision of Urgent Care Services, as defined in the PHO Services Agreement?
  3. Within your DHB district, do PHOs (or equivalent bodies) directly provide or fund (either fully or partly) the provision of After-Hours / Urgent Care Services that meet the requirements of the provision of Urgent Care Services, as defined in the PHO Services Agreement?
  4. Are General Practices within your DHB district required to fund (either fully or partly) the provision of After-Hours / Urgent Care Services that meet the requirements of the provision of Urgent Care Services, as defined in the PHO Services Agreement?
  5. Are General Practices within your DHB district required to participate in an urgent care / after-hours / on-call roster in order to meet their Urgent Care Services obligations?


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Solicitor seeking patient records

Solicitor seeking access to any records for patient on behalf of step child and grandchildren.


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Showing 481-520 of 1316 results, page 13 of 33.

Page last updated: 24 January 2024

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