All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .

Document Library

Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website

Use the Search menu (left) to apply a filter and list documents. Each document has a document type, a summary, and topics and tags associated with it. 

1316 documents.

Transmasculine surgery

  • The average time between acceptance onto the wait list and first appointment for patients referred to and accepted onto the waitlist for transmasculine chest reconstruction (top surgery).
  • The number of publicly funded transmasculine chest reconstruction surgery completed in the last year.
  • How patients are selected from the waitlist for transmasculine chest reconstruction surgery, and how often, i.e. if done by lottery how often is the lottery drawn.
  • The number of referrals for transmasculine chest reconstruction in the last year, and how many were accepted and how many declined.


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Patients in isolation in hospital 2018-2020

Patients placed in isolation within DHB hospitals to prevent the spread of disease 2018-2020 calendar years broken down by year.


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CPH & DSAC Meeting – 6 May 2021

The Community & Public Health and Disability Support Advisory Committee (CPH & DSAC) meeting minutes and agenda.


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Digital dictation, video consultation and other health IT systems

  • Do you use Digital Dictation in your DHB? If yes, could you please answer the following questions / Speech Recognition
  • Do you use Speech Recognition? If yes, could you please answer the following questions:
    • Name of the supplier & product
    • What procurement method (if any) was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework
    • The contract start date
    • The contract end date
    • Total contract value
    • Is the product integrated with PAS or EPR
    • What is the name, position and contact email/telephone number of the key internal stakeholder for this service
    • What would you like to see in this product that is currently not being delivered / Outsourced Transcription
  • Do you use Outsourced Transcription? If yes, could you please answer the following questions / Online Clinic / Video Consultation
  • Do you use Online Clinic / Video Consultation? If yes, could you please answer the following questions / Health Information Systems.
    • What suppliers do you use for the following?
      • PAS (Patient Administration System)
      • EPR (Electronic Patient Record)
      • eDMS (Electronic Document Management System)
      • RIS (Radiology Information System)
      • Outward mailing service provider


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Childhood diseases/conditions in the years 2014, 2017 and 2020

The number of children (aged 0-14) recorded by your DHB with the following conditions in the years 2014, 2017 and 2020?

  • whooping cough
  • rheumatic fever
  • bronchiolitis
  • broncho pneumonia 
  • serious dental disease 
  • malnutrition


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Self harm incidents

  • Mental Health incidents broken down by fatal and non fatal Canterbury DHB area between 1/1/2000 to 31/12/2020. 'Incidents' - Self harm incidents both fatal and non fatal.
  • Does not include events where other people were hurt by another person as a result of mental health.


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Crisis Resolution Services in Canterbury

  • How many people are seen by Crisis Resolution Services each year in Canterbury?
  • Approximately how many calls does Crisis Resolution receive per year?
  • Approx. increases since 2018?


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Kings Fund Report: Current Canterbury DHB staff involved with report

Can I please receive the names and roles of CDHB staff who were interviewed for this Kings Fund report (if any current staff were)?


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Maori mental health Marae access

  • Please confirm how many of the DHBs have a marae accessible to Māori inpatients in DHB psychiatric units.
  • Please advise in exact terms the measures each DHB uses to ensure the Tino Rangitiratanga of Māori Inpatients in Psychiatric Inpatient Units? Clarified as: "only relates to Māori subject to the Mental Health Act 1992".


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OIA Policy, charges for OIA responses during 2020

  • Does your organisation have a policy or guidelines in relation to charging requestors for supplying information under the Official Information Act 1982?
  • If yes, please supply a written copy of the policy/guideline, including grounds for seeking costs for supplying information, charges for photocopying, scanning or other copying of information and the hourly rate for staff time in compiling requests?
  • If not, what does your organisation charge for photocopying, scanning or other copying of information and what is the hourly rate for staff time in compiling requests?
  • In the 12 months from 01 January 2020 to December 31, 2020:
    • How many requests for information under the Official Information Act did your organisation receive?
    • Of these, in how many was the requestor advised that they would incur charges for copying and staff time, or any other reason?
    • In how many of these, did the requestor pay the required charge for supplying of information?
    • In total, how much did your organisation receive in payments for supplying information under the OIA?
    • What were the largest 10 amounts paid by requestors in charges for fulfilling OIA requests?


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Vulnerable Persons Register

Vulnerable Persons Register - CASA states that certain managers of each DHB hold the list as well as themselves, and the relevant services have access to this database.


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Nurse Turnover – December 2020-February 2021

Christchurch Hospital nurses turnover:

  • How many nurses have left their jobs at Christchurch Hospital in the past three months?
  • How many were replaced?
  • How many have left the CDHB?
  • What has been the turnover rate over the last three months and how does it compare with previous years?


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Nitrous Oxide Use

The rise in the use of nitrous oxide, also known as NOS, whippets, nangs and laughing gas - ED information over last 2 years (clarified).


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Consultants used to identify Canterbury DHB savings

Finance / Consultants: Peter Bramley mentioned at the Board Meeting he had appointed consultants to help the DHB identify savings. Can you let me know:
- the name of the consultants / - the term of the contract / - the budget for this work


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Gifts for children in hospital

Gifts given to children admitted to hospital.


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Plans for former Christchurch Women’s Hospital site

Future plans for vacant land i.e. old Womens Hospital Colombo street. Is this land to be sold, when? If not sold what are the plans?


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Number of MRI machines in Canterbury

Do you really have 5 MRI units that were funded and are operated by CDHB and another 5 units funded and operated by a private provider?

Ten MRI units all located in Canterbury seems like a lot. Any chance you could let me know who the private provider is?


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Canterbury DHB In-Patient Experience Survey – November 2020 to February 2021

The patient experience survey contains questions about four areas that patients experience when engaged with the health system; communication, partnership, co-ordination and physical and emotional needs. Patients are also asked to provide an overall experience score out of ten.


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Canterbury DHB Outpatient Experience Survey – November 2020 to February 2021

The patient experience survey contains questions about four areas that patients experience when engaged with the health system; communication, partnership, co-ordination and physical and emotional needs. Patients are also asked to provide an overall experience score out of ten.


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Canterbury DHB Board – Meeting Agenda – 15 April 2021

The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.


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Surveys of quarantine facilities

Copies of all surveys held by the Ministry done by facilities and DHBs of people who have stayed at managed isolation and quarantine facilities.


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Audit of Canterbury DHB spending

I have been told that in 2020 the CDHB spent around $375,000 on an audit to find out why the organisation had gone over budget for the year.

  • Any information about an audit/investigation/review or any other process undertaken last year around the budget and why spending was over.
  • This should include but not be restricted to any reports into this or similar documents or final feedback/decisions/findings.
  • Details of the cost of this process including a final cost, breakdown of that total, who it was paid to?


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COVID-19 related reports, plans, briefings etc during 2020

Requested re COVID-19 for calendar year 2020:

  • Situation reports
  • Status reports
  • Intelligence insight reports
  • Action, response and recovery plans
  • Task matrices, plans, or similar
  • Decision logs
  • Resource requests
  • Briefing / Cabinet papers
  • Organisation charts
  • Debrief / Lessons report


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Mental Health inpatients: prescribed anti-depressants, admissions, funding and complaints

Re Mental Health Prescriptions:

  • The number of antidepressant prescriptions handed out at the DHB each year for the last five years (January to December 2016 to January 2020 to YTD).
  • The number of people prescribed anti-depressants under the DHB  each year for the last five years (January to December 2016 to January 2020 to YTD).
  • The number of antipsychotic prescriptions handed out at the DHB each year for the last five years (January to December 2016 to January 2020 to YTD).
  • The number of people prescribed antipsychotic prescriptions under the DHB  each year for the last five years (January to December 2016 to January 2020 to YTD).
  • The number of admissions to the adult mental health inpatient unit each year for the last five years (January to December 2016 to January 2020 to YTD).
  • The total amount of DHB funds allocated to the adult mental health inpatient each year for the last five years (January - December 2016 to January 2020 - YTD), with brief detail of what the money was being spent on each year.
  • The number of complaints relating to mental health care each year for the last five years (January - December 2016 to January 2020 - YTD), with a brief description of each complaint.
  • Also, a breakdown of the number of these complaints that were investigated.


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Cardiac procedures and wait times

For each cardiac procedure (stent, ECG, Echo, open heart surgery etc), for the years 2018 and 2019 by year, the following information:

  1. Number of procedures done and average wait time for the procedure PERFORMED during the year (not escalated)
  2. Number and average wait time for the procedure PERFORMED during the year (that was escalated)
  3. Number of people that died waiting for a procedure scheduled to be performed during the year (escalated and not escalated separately)
  4. Number of people that required emergency (ED) treatment while waiting for a procedure scheduled to be performed during the year (escalated and not escalated separately)


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DHB spend on casual workers

Please can you advise on the total spent on temporary casual / bank and agency workers by the District in the periods Financial Year 18/19 and 19/20. Your response should be broken down by professional group and financial year.

  • Nursing
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Medical:  Medical Agency spend also includes spend on Locum Doctors.


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Issues regarding the Waipapa hospital building

Re Waipapa / new hospital building:

  • List of all errors / failings / issues discovered by DHB since the building was handed over last year.
  • List of all issues flagged with MoH / CPB for remediation. Please provide any correspondence with the Ministry/CPB about issues discovered with the rooms, and any documents or reports about potential solutions.


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ECT gay aversion / conversion therapy

  • During which period was ECT used in gay conversion/aversion therapy at the Hospital?
  • When did the hospital stop the practice?
  • How common was this practice?
  • Are there any records about the number of patients who received this treatment?
  • Why was this used as a treatment?


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Residential care access

  • How persons (under 50 yrs) apply for residential care, on the basis of early dementia diagnosis.
  • How persons (under 50yrs) apply for residential supported living type community homes.
  • Info about contracted providers of residential care and supported living homes, incl NGOs.


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Living wage

Information regarding being a "Living Wage Employer":

  1. Is your DHB currently a registered living wage employer?
  2. If yes what factors influenced that decision?
  3. Are your contractors/sub-contractors currently living wage employers?
  4. Do you require them to be?
  5. Does your DHB currently have plans to become a living wage employer?
  6. If so can you describe how far you have progressed?
  7. What do you see as the obstacles to becoming a living wage employer?


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Patients admitted to hospital with malnutrition

 The number of children and adults admitted to hospital with malnutrition, broken down by age, between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2020.


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Harassment received from women accessing abortion services

  1. The number of written and oral complaints of harassment received from women accessing abortion at your facilities for the period 2019 to 31st January 2021?
  2. The nature of these complaints?
  3. Copies of those complaints with identifying details deleted?
  4. The number of written complaints of harassment received from staff entering and exiting your abortion facilities for the period 2019 to 31st January 2021?


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Number of abortions and counselling sessions in 2020

Follow up to response to 10519 Abortions/Terminations and Counselling:

  1. Is this assessment an initiative of your Board or is it the result of a direction from the Ministry of Health?
  2. Does this assessment result in many women choosing not to have an abortion?
  3. What is the nature of the support and care that you refer women to?
  4. As a result of this assessment do many women disclose that they are subject to coercion, violence and threats of abandonment?


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Mental health incidents in quarantine facilities

Incident reports of mental health incidents in MIQ facilities, advice to ministers on mental health in MIQ and learnings from mental health incidents in MIQ.


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Money paid to Mosque attack victims

Information pertaining to the amount of funds paid by your Agency/ Organisation / Department / Ministry directly to victims of the March 15 2019 terror attacks on the two Christchurch Mosques.


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MDMA related admissions

  1. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people treated at DHB from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related admissions. Broken down by age groups of those treated and ethnicity.
  2. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related harm. Broken down by age groups of those admitted and ethnicity.
  3. Please provide a monthly breakdown of patients admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (Including through the COVID-19 period) for consuming substances disguised as MDMA e.g. Synthetic Cathinones.
  4. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people who have died from MDMA related harm at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period).
  5. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the cost for each person who was treated at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA use.


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Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) Meeting Agenda – 1 April 2021

The Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) meets approximately every 3 months.


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Disability Steering Group (DSG) Meeting Minutes – 26 March 2021

The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.


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Canterbury DHB Board – Meeting Agenda – 18 March 2021

The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.


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Showing 401-440 of 1316 results, page 11 of 33.

Page last updated: 24 January 2024

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