All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .

Document Library

Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website

Use the Search menu (left) to apply a filter and list documents. Each document has a document type, a summary, and topics and tags associated with it. 

1316 documents.

Sabin oral polio vaccine

Given that it may be stored for two years was the Sabin oral polio vaccine used in Christchurch in 1964 sourced from Europe through USA, direct from USA or direct from Europe?


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Cost of RMO locums in 2021

Amount paid to RMO locums hired through agencies or bureaus outside of the management of District Health Board (i.e. not including casual employees of the District Health Board) in the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021 and 1 April 2021 to 31 October 2021.


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Surgeries / procedures / assessments cancellations

Partial transfer from MoH:

  1. How many surgeries /procedures/assessments have been cancelled in the past year?
  2. Is it possible to break that number down by month?
  3. How many surgeries/procedures/assessments were cancelled in 2019 and in 2017?


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Declined gastro-intestinal department referrals

The percentage of patients that have been declined referrals from multiple internal and external requests for gastro-intestinal department (Multiple being more than 3 separate GP/Doctor referrals) 3/12/2021 time frame 1/1/2010-1/11/2021.


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Cost of COVID-19 hospital checkpoints

COVID-19 - The total cost of every set-up including contractors, security, workforce, hireage, purchases, administration, equipment, computer connections, stationery and any other expense associated with these checkpoints at all hospitals and any other facilities.


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Orthopaedic surgery and related questions

17 questions: Orthopaedic surgery wait list, pain management, number of surgeons, support services for patients with spinal injury, prescription drug addiction, pain clinic. Suicides while waiting for surgery.


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Trans vaginal ultrasounds

How referrals for trans vaginal ultrasound scans are treated.


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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and rheumatoid arthritis

Pfizer vaccine - for persons with an autoimmune or inflammatory disorder such as Rheumatoid Arthritis.



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Fetal Deaths and Neonatal Deaths (additional questions re vaccination status)

Follow up to CDHB 10746 Fetal deaths and neonatal deaths.

  1. Please supply the covid 19 vaccination status for every Canterbury DHB mother who has experienced a stillbirth or a neonatal death in 2021.
  2. Please provide the date of covid 19 vaccination receipt (and if it was a first or second dose) and the date of the stillbirth or neonatal death for each mother.


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Electrical switch rooms fire suppression

  • Please advise how many of your electrical switch rooms have fire suppression systems?
  • If there is a fire suppression system what type of system, e.g. water sprinklers, gas flood, or other system ?
  • If nothing, then NIL.


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Unpaid leave

Unpaid Leave - LWOP (Leave without Pay) for period longer than six months 2015-2021 YTD.


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COVID-19 vaccinations for Māori

Covid-19 vaccination programmes and planning for Māori:

  • Copies of any plans formulated to vaccinate Māori in the region against Covid-19.
  • Details of measures the DHB has taken to provide vaccinations to Māori in the region, including staffing and resourcing.
  • Reports, briefings, memos, or other updates provided to the DHB's senior leadership on the progress of Covid-19 vaccine rollout to Māori.
  • Details of any data the DHB is collecting to monitor the vaccination of Māori against Covid-19. correspondence between senior leadership and the Ministry of Health relating to the vaccination of Māori against Covid-19.
  • Correspondence between senior leadership and other DHBs relating to the vaccination of Māori against Covid-19.
  • Correspondence between senior leadership and Māori health providers, experts and/or iwi relating to the vaccination of Māori against Covid-19.


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COVID-19 swab instructions

COVID-19 testing: Please provide the instructions given to the nurses at MIQ on how to administer the test.


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Emergency Department presentations

ED / Emergency Department admissions 2020 and 2021 broken down by month and types of admissions.


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Information about Myocarditis Pericarditis and Vaccinations

Myocarditis and pericarditis information. Myocarditis cases overall, and month by month. Pericarditis cases overall and month by month. (Broken down by age and gender). Vaccine doses month by month Feb-Nov 2021. broken down by 1st dose, 2nd dose, age and gender.



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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

  1. Do you diagnose ADHD for those under the age of 18, and for those over 18?
  2. If so, what is the process to getting a diagnosis, and who does the diagnosis? If not, please explain why not.
  3. What is the waiting list/average time frame to be diagnosed over the last 12 months? (for under and over 18)
  4. What support do you provide once they are diagnosed?
  5. Do you have the ability to cope with an ADHD person in crisis?
  6. What care is provided?


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COVID-19 information updates

Who is given information on the daily COVID cases in each DHB region in advance of any Ministry of Health or government statement, or briefing? Which stakeholders and/or partner organisations are given information? The nature of the information; what information about the COVID cases are people given?


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Drug and Alcohol Residential Services

RE Alcohol and Drug residential services: Live in treatment services: number, name, location, number closed between 2015 and 2021. Wait list for these facilities, average wait time, Alcohol and detox beds - located and how many? Average wait time for drug and alcohol detox bed. Average number of people on wait list for drug and alcohol detox bed between 2015 and 2021.


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Fetal Deaths and Neonatal Deaths

Medical Certificate of Causes of Fetal and Neonatal Death' forms that have been filled out, per month, since June 2020 to date in your District Health Board area. (Ministry of Health web page reference: )


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Child heart surgery and subsequent pregnancy/births

How many individuals in New Zealand had full open-heart surgery as a child (<16) and subsequently went on to become pregnant and give birth.  


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Tree removal from Burwood Hospital Campus

Information about the cost of removing trees from Burwood Hospital Campus grounds.


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Gallbladder treatment wait times

After referral from a GP and acceptance for an appointment, what is the current wait time for a first specialist appointment for patients with gallbladder issues? After the first specialist appointment is completed and surgery approved for gallbladder removal, what is the current wait time for the surgery to be completed? What steps is the CDHB undertaking to ensure that patients are seen (first specialist appointment) within four months of referral?


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Number of pharmacy staff (November 2021)

Pharmacists: headcount/FTE, Pharmacy Technicians headcount/FTE, Pharmacy Assistants headcount/FTE, resignations and pending resignations since 4/11/2020 broken down into pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and pharmacy assistants.


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COVID-19 vaccination status and access to healthcare

Policy regarding declining treatment or not being seen in relation to vaccination status.


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Road access to Hillmorton Hospital

Questions regarding road access once the new Hillmorton Hospital building is completed.


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Canterbury DHB Quality Markers June 2020 – July 2021

Canterbury DHB Quality Markers aim to provide readers with a snapshot of how we monitor quality and safety using the Health Quality and Safety Commission Markers and Patient Experience Survey feedback. It reinforces our vision of an integrated Canterbury Health System by showcasing examples of what we are doing well and what we need to improve.


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Canterbury DHB Board – Meeting Agenda – 16 December 2021

Please note: DHB Boards ceased to operate on 30 June 2022 as Canterbury DHB became part of Health New Zealand, consequently no further board papers will be published on this website. The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting. 


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Emergency Department presentations 2020/2021

  • How many people admitted to emergency department since 1st March until now.
  • As well compared from 1st March 2020 until 31st December 2020.
  • Also breakdown information on reasons for admitting to emergency department.


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Disability Steering Group (DSG) Meeting Minutes – 26 November 2021

The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.


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PET-CT referral suppliers

PET CT referral suppliers:

  1. Which PET CT suppliers do you use for your PET CT referrals?
  2. How are the tenders for these referrals accessed and when are they put out to tender?
  3. Are any of your PET CT referrals currently under contract with your suppliers and if so when are the contracts up for renewal?
  4. Are there any extra costs to the DHB for providing PET CT scans to patients, e.g. travel costs, accommodation?


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Tier 1, 2, 3 Contractor pay rates

Over the last 5 years what are the names of contractors, who have worked for longer than one year, in a DHBs tier 1,2 or 3 management position, and what was the daily or weekly or year rate paid to each of these contractors?


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Community-based isolation quarantine plan

Copy of the community-based isolation and quarantine plan to respond to potential outbreaks of Covid-19


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Endometriosis / Back pain / Orthopaedic wait times


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Intensive Care Unit

  1. How many intensive care unit (ICU) beds are available at Canterbury DHB that meet the staffing requirements outlined in the College of Intensive Care Medicine (CICM) minimum standards for Level I, II, III and Paediatric ICUs? See:
  2. What is the DHB’s current Clinical Priority Assessment Criteria (CPAC) threshold for each speciality?
  3. What were the CPAC thresholds over the previous 5 years and how many patients were declined treatment (FSA or surgery) due to capacity of the service to deliver?


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Male and Female Genitalia Anomalies

Hypospadias / urethral fistula, anomalies of male genitalia, reducing or adjusting clitoral size or appearance, Vaginal construction or reconstruction procedures, gonadectomies, protocols re gonadectomies, support and information for young people and families.


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Early Childhood Education Centre (ECEC) Newsletter Public Health Nursing Service Spring/Summer 2021-22

Public health nurses are Registered Nurses who work with children/tamariki (and their families/whanau) around identified health concerns. Public health nurses have access to health resources, information and provide a free, mobile and confidential service.


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Canterbury DHB Annual Plan 2021/2022

The Canterbury District Health Board Annual Plan outlines the key activities planned for the Canterbury health system over the coming financial year (1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022).

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Canterbury DHB Board – Meeting Agenda – 18 November 2021

The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.


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Page last updated: 24 January 2024

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