Cognitive Impairment - Information relating to the links in HealthPathways.
Report on an unannounced Inspection to the Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit under the Crimes of Torture Act 1989 (Oct 2018). Which the Chief Ombudsman sent CDHB in Oct 2018. Can you please send a copy of CDHB's response.
Job description of customer service personnel at Burwood Hospital. Salary of these workers.
Aged care facilities, total number funded, number of residents in facilities, number of facilities that have closed, Reason for closure.
Any correspondence, both internal and external, since 2020 and regarding any inspections of aged care facilities carried out in relation to OPCAT, and any documentation or reports related to any such inspections.
# Since 2020, copies of any reports received or held by the DHB that were completed in relation to OPCAT (the United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) inspections of secure aged care facilities, and copies of any response to these reports.
Individualised funding personal care and respite policy / service specifications for Children, under 65's, and over 65s.
How much funding has been spent on refurbishment and/or maintenance of the services at TPMH in the past 3 years, broken down by service, year and type of work.
How many complaints has the CDHB received in the past 12 months regarding facilities at TPMH, Hillmorton, and Parkside. Can you provide the complaints and the responses from the CDHB?
Monitoring and test results of the drinking water at The Princess Margaret Hospital.
Number of people, staff and patients who currently occupy The Princess Margaret Hospital
Personal care hours. Personal care hours for February 2020 Hours: 1-40 / 41-80 / 81-120 / 121-160 / 160+ hours.
The number of referrals (new and re-referrals, grouped into ACC and non-ACC funded) received for Burwood Pain Management Centre in the calendar year January 2019 – December 2019.
The number of referrals declined during that period, and the waiting times for those accepted into the service over that period, also grouped into ACC and non- ACC funded patients.
The number of people discharged over this period.
Copies of any reports, documents, briefings or correspondence that include or summarise feedback from DHB staff sent to work at Rosewood rest home.
Correspondence regarding concerns or complaints about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / Reports regarding nurses or medical staff at Burwood Hospital speaking to journalists or media, covering the period from 15 March to 20 May 2020.
The number of ECT (Electroconvulsive treatment) devices in hospitals.
All correspondence received and sent by Dan Coward and received and sent by Sue Nightingale about Rosewood rest home, between April 3 and April 10, inclusive.
About the provision of PPE equipment to rest homes between March 3 and April 3, inclusive.
Copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, or correspondence regarding the number of issues regarding safe practice at Rosewood Rest home and that took place after staff and patients contracted Covid-19.
Copies of any reports, documents, memoranda, or correspondence regarding the decision to appoint an acting manager to Rosewood Rest home.
Partial transfer from MoH: Q1 The NASC manual for older persons health. Q4. The number of over 65's receiving long term HCSS in each region.
The number of persons on Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) waiting list for aged home support.
Copies of complaints received by the DHB since January 2019 about Aged Care rest homes and residential care.
Data related to use of aged care facilities in the Canterbury region.
Overview of services that are provided to people who have a diagnosis of dementia or other age related cognitive impairments.
Has Burwood Hospital bought any AtmosAir mattresses in the last 12 months?
All audits, reports and details of all investigations carried out by Canterbury DHB on Addington Lifestyle Village, a rest home...
Older Persons Health Community Team relocation from PMH to Burwood Hospital Campus Feasibility Study
Showing 1-29 of 29 results, page 1 of 1.
Page last updated: 13 July 2022
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