Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website.
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Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Return of electoral donations and expenses for Canterbury District Health Board Election held on 12 October 2019.
Any correspondence between March and October 2019 regarding Christchurch Hospital car parking. Any reports received or produced by the working group on parking, including traffic modelling.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
The Maternity Quality and Safety Programme (MQSP) Annual Report is published each year and submitted to the Ministry of Health.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
Information regarding Measles pop up clinics held since outbreak began.
What training do all front-line staff (those who deal directly with patients, across all sectors of health) have for providing culturally appropriate services to people from the Asian community?
Guidelines information used to establish the clinical threshold for each of the five elective surgeries. Knee, hip, hernia, colonoscopy and laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
The Canterbury Maternity Strategy, also known as the Canterbury Maternity System Strategic Framework 2019-2024 puts māmā and pēpi at the centre of what we do and what we want to achieve.
The vision statement within the strategy states that Canterbury maternity services provide for the maternity needs of all māmā and whānau as and when needed during their maternity journey in order to enable the best start to life for all pēpi and the ongoing wellbeing of mothers. The strategy also contains statements about our values and provides details about the framework to be used by Canterbury maternity services.
The Canterbury DHB's Statement of Intent sets out the key financial and non-financial measures and targets that the Canterbury health system aims to achieve.
The Hospital Advisory Committee (HAC) meets approximately every 3 months.
The immunisation status of medical/DHB staff mentioned as having contracted measles. How many of these and wider cases of DHB staff were vaccinated? How many shots did they receive? How close after the vaccines did they contract the measles?
Measles - Email notification to DHB CEO notifying them of measles outbreak 28/2/2019
Bullying, harassment or other complaints laid by staff over the past five years.
How many DHB health workers have contracted vaccine preventable illnesses such as measles, whooping cough or flue while employed by DHB in last decade? Had these workers been vaccinated? How many patients, if any, have contracted vaccine preventable illnesse3s from Health workers or other patients while in hospital in past decade?
South Island regional specialist mental health services: A list of services? Total annual usage for each? Total annual budget? Usage by people resident Southern DHB? Info re non-inpatient service offered
The total number of assaults recorded by the CDHB over the past five years.
The total number of hospital beds from 2017 to 2019 at Canterbury DHB.
Breast Reconstruction: The budgeted cost of the clinical codes covering procedures for breast reconstruction: 4553002, 4553900,4554500, 4554501, 4554502
Over latest 12 month period. Number of patients treated for dialysis? Number treated with chemotherapy. How many patients have required stays longer than two days in hospital? Broken down by hospital if possible.
The number of persons on Needs Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) waiting list for aged home support.
Any information the DHB holds about vaccination / immunisation rates for its health workers.
Canterbury DHB Consumer Council Meeting Minutes.
The main points discussed at Disability Steering Group (DSG) meetings recorded as key messages in meeting minutes.
The Canterbury DHB Annual Report 2018/2019 allows us to report on the progress we have made over the year towards achieving the key objectives set out in our Statement of Intent.
A serious adverse event (SAE) is one which has resulted in significant additional treatment, major loss of function, is life threatening or has led to an unexpected death.
Manawhenua Ki Waitaha (MKWCT) Board Meeting Minutes.
Total amount of debt incurred in treating foreign, ineligible patients 2014/2015-2018/2019. Number of patients. Recovery of debt?
The number of women who received radiation therapy for the most recent full year. Number of women provided with fully funded Mepitel film. Number of women who were not recommended Mepitel film and who were given information about how to purchase from supplier.
What are the WHO Vitamin A dosing guidelines for patients hospitalised with measles? Number of patients treated with Vitamin A for measles. How much Vitamin A stock does DHB hold?
Re 13 cases of denotified measles. What was the time interval between vaccination and specimen connection/collection? Number of other such cases in last five years?
Current waiting time for: Referral from a GP for a prostate cancer initial consultation; for a follow up appointment for a prostate biopsy; for a post biopsy appointment to discuss results and treatment options and for a radical prostatectomy following the post biopsy appointment for persons with a confirmed prostate cancer diagnosis?
Information regarding fibreoptic colonoscopies to Hepatic Flexure or to Caecum provided since 2010/2011.
The Canterbury DHB Board meet approximately every month. Board agenda papers are usually published two days before a board meeting.
WellNow Canterbury is our bi-annual community health magazine. We have combined this November 2019 edition with the Canterbury Health System’s Quality Accounts to provide a picture of how well our Health System is meeting Canterburys health needs.
Showing 801-840 of 1315 results, page 21 of 33.
Page last updated: 24 January 2024
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