All hospital visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask. Expand this message for information about visiting hospital. 

Last updated:
31 October 2024

Some visitor restrictions for all Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury hospitals and health facilities remain in place, but we have relaxed others.

There is still a heightened risk to vulnerable people in hospital and we encourage all people wear a mask when visiting any of our facilities and follow other advice designed to keep patients, staff and visitors safe.

To keep everybody safe:

  • Visitors or support people are advised to not visit our facilities if they are unwell. We advise that you do not visit if you have recently tested positive for COVID-19 and haven’t completed your isolation period.
  • Patients may have more than one visitor, except in some situations such as multi-bed rooms where it can cause overcrowding.
  • Surgical/medical masks are encouraged to be worn at all sites. Masks will be provided if you don’t have one.
  • Please practice hand hygiene with provided alcohol-based hand rub/gel

Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our staff work hard to protect and care for some of the most vulnerable in our community.

Visiting patients with COVID-19

  • People can visit patients who have COVID-19 but they must wear a surgical mask as a minimum – please use surgical masks provided.

All of our Hospitals

Visiting hours for our hospitals have returned to pre COVID-19 hours.

All visitors are encouraged to wear a medical face mask.

Parents/caregivers can be with their child in hospital and visitors are now allowed, except for the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Day stay where visitor restrictions might apply.

Patients and visitors can also read the additional COVID-19 related visiting guidelines .

Document Library

Key plans and reports are listed at the top of the document library homepage, other recent documents are listed by date under these documents. Please note: Many publications in our document library are now historic district health board documents, rather than current information. You can find up-to-date national publications, including responses to OIA requests on the Te Whatu Ora national website

Use the Search menu (left) to apply a filter and list documents. Each document has a document type, a summary, and topics and tags associated with it. 

919 documents for "Official Information Act Response".

Cardiac procedures and wait times

For each cardiac procedure (stent, ECG, Echo, open heart surgery etc), for the years 2018 and 2019 by year, the following information:

  1. Number of procedures done and average wait time for the procedure PERFORMED during the year (not escalated)
  2. Number and average wait time for the procedure PERFORMED during the year (that was escalated)
  3. Number of people that died waiting for a procedure scheduled to be performed during the year (escalated and not escalated separately)
  4. Number of people that required emergency (ED) treatment while waiting for a procedure scheduled to be performed during the year (escalated and not escalated separately)


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DHB spend on casual workers

Please can you advise on the total spent on temporary casual / bank and agency workers by the District in the periods Financial Year 18/19 and 19/20. Your response should be broken down by professional group and financial year.

  • Nursing
  • Allied Health Professionals
  • Medical:  Medical Agency spend also includes spend on Locum Doctors.


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Issues regarding the Waipapa hospital building

Re Waipapa / new hospital building:

  • List of all errors / failings / issues discovered by DHB since the building was handed over last year.
  • List of all issues flagged with MoH / CPB for remediation. Please provide any correspondence with the Ministry/CPB about issues discovered with the rooms, and any documents or reports about potential solutions.


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ECT gay aversion / conversion therapy

  • During which period was ECT used in gay conversion/aversion therapy at the Hospital?
  • When did the hospital stop the practice?
  • How common was this practice?
  • Are there any records about the number of patients who received this treatment?
  • Why was this used as a treatment?


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Residential care access

  • How persons (under 50 yrs) apply for residential care, on the basis of early dementia diagnosis.
  • How persons (under 50yrs) apply for residential supported living type community homes.
  • Info about contracted providers of residential care and supported living homes, incl NGOs.


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Living wage

Information regarding being a "Living Wage Employer":

  1. Is your DHB currently a registered living wage employer?
  2. If yes what factors influenced that decision?
  3. Are your contractors/sub-contractors currently living wage employers?
  4. Do you require them to be?
  5. Does your DHB currently have plans to become a living wage employer?
  6. If so can you describe how far you have progressed?
  7. What do you see as the obstacles to becoming a living wage employer?


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Patients admitted to hospital with malnutrition

 The number of children and adults admitted to hospital with malnutrition, broken down by age, between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2020.


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Harassment received from women accessing abortion services

  1. The number of written and oral complaints of harassment received from women accessing abortion at your facilities for the period 2019 to 31st January 2021?
  2. The nature of these complaints?
  3. Copies of those complaints with identifying details deleted?
  4. The number of written complaints of harassment received from staff entering and exiting your abortion facilities for the period 2019 to 31st January 2021?


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Number of abortions and counselling sessions in 2020

Follow up to response to 10519 Abortions/Terminations and Counselling:

  1. Is this assessment an initiative of your Board or is it the result of a direction from the Ministry of Health?
  2. Does this assessment result in many women choosing not to have an abortion?
  3. What is the nature of the support and care that you refer women to?
  4. As a result of this assessment do many women disclose that they are subject to coercion, violence and threats of abandonment?


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Mental health incidents in quarantine facilities

Incident reports of mental health incidents in MIQ facilities, advice to ministers on mental health in MIQ and learnings from mental health incidents in MIQ.


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Money paid to Mosque attack victims

Information pertaining to the amount of funds paid by your Agency/ Organisation / Department / Ministry directly to victims of the March 15 2019 terror attacks on the two Christchurch Mosques.


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MDMA related admissions

  1. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people treated at DHB from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related admissions. Broken down by age groups of those treated and ethnicity.
  2. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA related harm. Broken down by age groups of those admitted and ethnicity.
  3. Please provide a monthly breakdown of patients admitted from 2016 to 2021 to date (Including through the COVID-19 period) for consuming substances disguised as MDMA e.g. Synthetic Cathinones.
  4. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the number of people who have died from MDMA related harm at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period).
  5. Please provide a monthly breakdown of the cost for each person who was treated at Canterbury District Health Board from 2016 to 2021 to date (including through the COVID-19 period) for MDMA use.


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Diagnostic imaging services and funding

  • Diagnostic imaging modalities of Cardio Ultrasound, MRI, X-ray CT, PET and SPECT.
  • Number of units (instruments) of each modality.
  • What entity (government or private) funded each unit.
  • What entity operates each unit.
  • Number of patients processed by each unit per annum.


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Emergency Department Attendances – May to July 2019 and 2020

  • Can you provide the number of attendances to the emergency department over May, June and July last year -- and the same data for the year before?
  • Can you provide the number of ED attendances related to alcohol during May, June and July last year -- and the same data for the year before?


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Diabetic Retinal Screening

Percentage coverage for diabetic retinal screening (i.e. the proportion of people with diabetes who have had a retinal screen within the last two years, or other reporting period)?


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Cost of inpatient forensic ward

What is the total cost for the Inpatient Residential care and treatment provided for patient detained indefinitely, being found 'Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity'.


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Quarantine of Russian Fishermen

All correspondence in 2020 with officials from Managed Isolation and Quarantine; the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment; The Ministry of Health, or any other Government ministry regarding the planning and coordination for the stay of 235 foreign fishermen who were granted a border exemption and arrived at the Sudima Hotel MIQ facility on October 16, 2020. My request also covers any correspondence the CDHB had with Sealord, Independent Fisheries and Maruha Nichiro on the the planning and coordination for the MIQ stay of 235 foreign fishermen.


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Breast reduction surgery

For each of the last four years:

  • How many applications have been made to the CDHB for breast reduction surgery?
  • Of those, how many applications are accepted for first-round referrals?
  • How many surgeries have been undertaken in each of those years?
  • The average wait time for each patient between first application for breast reduction surgery and completion of surgery?
  • The average number of applications a patient is required to undertake before their case progresses past first round referrals?
  • How many patients are currently waitlisted for breast reduction surgery?
  • The average cost to the CDHB for a typical double breast reduction surgery?


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Diabetes services

For 2020, re Diabetes Services:

  • The number of screens for diabetic retinopathy purchased, the number of screens delivered, and the DNA rate.
  • How many diabetic retinopathy screening episodes were delivered during lockdown, and how long any disruption lasted (i.e. when did screening return to ‘normal’).
  • On January 1 2021, how many new referrals were on the wait list for their first screening visit, the average time spent on this wait list, and the longest individual time spent waiting.
  • On January 1 2021, how many existing patients were overdue for their follow up screening appointment, the average overdue time, and the longest individual time overdue.


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Cost of did not attend (DNA) appointments

Re OIA response CDHB 10524

  • Is the cost of DNAs calculated across services, and is this reported to the Board? I presume that the DNA Rate as a percentage is the rate of patients in that service that DNA e.g. S75 Vascular Surgery DNA Volume = 274, but DNA Rate = 7.3%.
  • Please confirm if my understanding is correct. If I am, the figures are indeed interesting - e.g. nearly 2,000 DNA's for ENT at a rate of 8.4%. I would have thought that if you had an ENT issue that you would want that addressed.



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Passive Fire defects in Waipapa building at Christchurch Hospital

  • Correspondence re passive fire defects relating to ChCh hospital Waipapa / Hagley over the past 12 months


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Corporate office staff salaries and consultants employed by CDHB

Corporate Office - salaries, consultants employed in past year, amount spent on IT projects.


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Annual Plan 2020/2021 and Annual Report 2019/2020

  • With reference to OIA CDHB 10459 and CDHB 10397: When will the CDHB’s Annual Plan 2020/2021 be made available on the CDHB website?
  • What is the current status of the Annual Plan 2020/2021?
  • What is the current status of the CDHB’s Annual Report, including audited financial statements, for the year ended 30 June 2020 and when will this also be made available on the CDHB website?


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Correspondence regarding the business case and redevelopment of Christchurch Hospital Campus

Any correspondence in the last six months between the executive management team and senior clinical staff/leaders about the refurbishment of Parkside hospital wards and the business case for Tower three and/or tower four AND any correspondence between Sir John Hansen and MoH staff in the last six months about the refurbishment of Parkside hospital wards and the business case for Tower three and/or tower four


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Information about Eating Disorder Services

  • The pathway to access specialised eating disorder care within the DHB.
  • Broken down by age and sex, the current number of people awaiting treatment for eating disorders via that pathway - i.e. through the DHB mental health team, or specialist treatment facility.
  • The number of people admitted to hospital with an eating disorder or a suspected eating disorder, broken down by name of facility, age and sex, between January 1, 2010 and December 31 2020.
  • The number of people who have accessed specialised eating disorder services between January 1 2020 and December 31 2020, by inpatient or outpatient status, sex and age.
  • If not available within the DHB catchment area, where can patients access publicly funded, specialised eating disorder care?
  • If eating disorder treatment services are contracted out and / or delivered by primary health care providers, please provide the name of the organisation delivering the service.


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Maternity Counselling

Funding if any provided to PIPS (Pregnancy Infancy Parenting Support). Criteria for allowing members of pregnancy support groups to provide counselling or advice to DHB patients.


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COVID-19 Tests January 2020 to January 2021

  • How many COVID-19 tests, taken in the CDHB region between 22 January 2020 and today's date 28 January 2021, have been spoiled or damaged?
  • Resulting in those samples not being able to be tested./How were the tests spoiled or damaged?
  • When and where the samples were taken and transported to?
  • What repercussions were there for those involved in the testing process, including the patients affected?
  • How many patients, whose tests were spoiled or damaged, subsequently tested positive for COVID-19?
  • Any and all copies of video and photographs of spoiled or damaged COVID-19 tests.


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Number of abortions and counselling sessions in 2020

  • Number of abortions for 2020, number of pre and post abortion counselling sessions.


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Mental Health Services

For the last six years:

  • What mental health services does your DHB provide?
    • Please provide details of inpatient facilities and number of beds per facility, and whether facilities are currently used at capacity.
    • Please provide details of outpatient services and services contracted to community providers.
  • What addiction services does your DHB provide?
    • Please provide details of inpatient facilities and number of beds per facility and whether facilities are currently used at capacity.
    • Please provide details of outpatient services and services contracted to community providers.
  • How many people do you treat on average every year in your mental health services?
    • Please provide a breakdown by inpatient and outpatient services.
  • How many people do you treat on average every year in your addiction services?
    • Please provide a breakdown by inpatient and outpatient services.
  • How many people are currently waiting for mental health treatment after they have been through an initial triage process?
    • What is the average wait time to access services?
    • What is the longest time someone can wait?
    • Please provide breakdown by inpatient/outpatient services.
  • How many people are currently waiting for addiction treatment after they have been through an initial triage process?
    • What is the average wait time to access services?
    • What is the longest time someone can wait?
    • Please provide breakdown by inpatient/outpatient services.
  • What is the process while patients wait to access addiction and/or mental health treatment?
  • How many patients died after they were triaged but before receiving addiction or mental health treatment in the last six years?
    • Are you able to provide the cause of death for each person who died?


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Mental Health Ombudsman Reports

  • Mental Health Unit data: name, location and number of beds for each mental health and intellectual disability unit (this includes forensic units)
  • All reports carried out by the Ombudsman in the past five years on any one of these units.
  • For each unit, please provide:
    • the occupancy data for the 12 months ending November 30
    • strategies your DHB employs to house and care for people in mental health and intellectual disability units if there are too few beds
    • most recent engineering/building report for each of your mental health and intellectual disability units again, this includes forensic units
    • self-assessment data collected by your DHB and submitted to the Ministry of Health for each of your mental health and intellectual disability units


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Outpatients who did not attend an appointment 2016-2021

For the past five financial years, from 30 June 2020 back to 30 June 2016.

  • What information does the CDHB hold regarding patients who do not arrive for their appointments at the Outpatients Clinic?
  • Are you able to provide details of the number of patients across the different services provided at the Clinic?
  • Is this information costed at all?


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Presentations to the Emergency Department (ED) November 2020 – January 2021

Please provide daily presentations to ED from November 1 2020 - 13 January 2021- broken down by:

  • severity of presentation
  • length of time waiting to be seen
  • urgency of cases
  • types of presentations
  • proportion of mental health cases


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Incidents of equipment not being properly sterilised

  • A detailed breakdown of any and all incidents relating to equipment not being properly sterilised by Canterbury District Health Board and West Coast District Health Board from March 2020.
  • Please clarify if the lack of sterilisation was picked up before or after patient exposure.


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Aged Residential Care

  • Does DHB have goals, targets, or objectives for current or future admissions to ARC? Targets could be expressed in terms of absolute numbers, annual percentage changes or changes in age-specific ARC utilisation rates. If yes, please supply docs or links to webpages and docs.
  • Has DHB analysed cost of providing home support to older people with high or complex needs compared to cost of funding them in ARC? If yes, please provide copy of report or details of the report.


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Data sharing at Canterbury DHB and Public Health Organisations (PHOs)

Data sharing at DHBs and PHOs / privacy officer / patient consent for data sharing / what we share, who we share it with.


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Recruitment of chief executive and management team

Communications regarding the recruitment of new CEO and six other vacant executive management positions.


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Primary birthing unit and endoscopy site

Correspondence between Norma Campbell and CoM, EMT & Sir John Hansen on primary birthing unit & endoscopy site since June 2019.


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Body parts returned to patients

The total number of body part items returned to patients by the DHB during the calendar years of 2020, 2019, and 2018, broken down by the specific type of body part (including but not limited to, body tissue, bones, organs, placentas/products of conception) returned each year.


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Interpreting services

New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpreter contracts.


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Art owned by Canterbury DHB

Artworks owned and held by Canterbury DHB, including value, location, any damage, auditing, and artwork details.


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Showing 321-360 of 919 results, page 9 of 23.

Page last updated: 24 January 2024

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